Sunday, October 23, 2016

3D Week 002 Assignment

For this Assignment I wanted to push myself in creating Yggdrasil. I pictured the tree floating on a island over looking the world. 

My challenge was to be able to create an organic tree using only blocks while keeping the right scale compared to a 6 feet avatar. 


I started by creating the base of the floating island by chipping away the corner to make a more organic feel

I then proceeded to building the trunk of the tree. I used UE cylinder blocks to help me scale the size of the tree.

I finished by creating a circular shape with blocks then copied and scaled them in groups to create the leaves.

Scaled and Materials

I used 4 materials, two shades of brown for the trunk, 1 grass material and 1 for leaves

The main trunk uses these cubes size 

Yggdrasil Tree

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