Sunday, November 13, 2016

3D Week 005 Assignment

For this week I wanted to create a contrast between a lost civilization taken over by nature and a futuristic entity inhabiting the area

1. Transition from Week 004 to Week 005

2. Free Camera Screenshots

3. Playthrough Screenshots

4. Video Playthrough

5. Changes after Feedback

5.1 Getting up columns

I added a checkpoint system so that player could not cheat and get up the platforms. If a player gets on one he will be teleported back to the beginning of the area

5.2 More Challenge for the first obstacles.

I added water to the moving platform challenge to make the section more challenging and force players to be more reactive

5.3 Discerning platforms

I used two different materials for platforms to discern the moving and stationary ones

Sunday, November 6, 2016

3D Week 004 Assignment

I started to imagine my level as a trial created by an "ancient" technological civilization built to test the adventurer before giving him the reward.

For this week's assignment of iterating on my level, I have added item pick ups, Audio, SFX, Particle Effect. I also wanted to strengthen my first half of the level by creating a new mechanic for the player.

here is the result of my work


New Mechanic at the beginning of the level

The Maze

1. trigger boxes

2. Blueprint

3.Overview BP

3. Files Overview


The Artifact

1. Artifact Blueprint

2. Particle Effect for Artifact


The Entrance

1. Audio BP


Adding Audio

Mixing Audio



1. Trigger Boxes

2. Checkpoint Blueprints

I tried to also create a life counter and respawn system but i could not get it to work.
here is a BP of the failed integration.

Unused Toggle Light